Board of Directors Approved 02/01/07
January 4, 2007

Present: Williams, Curtola, Hotaling, Fisher, Gerhardt, Tauber, Angen, Hakenen, Hon. James F. Moelk (ret), Capozzo, Sottana
Excused: Machado, Martin

Minutes of December 7, 2006
Hon. James F. Moelk (ret) motioned to approve, Fisher seconded. The motion carried.

GVCC Website
The Board of Directors would to have their email addresses posted on the Club’s website under the “members only” section.

President’s Report
Committee Chairpersons have been appointed. A Board of Directors and Committee Chairpersons dinner is scheduled for Thursday, January 25, 2007 to discuss 2007 goals.

General Manager’s Report
Completion of the tennis social room has started. The Nextel project is on hold due to non refundable fees being discussed. Capozzo distributed the 2007 CIF suggested prioritized list of Phase I and Phase II for the Board to review and discuss for approval at the February 2007 Board meeting.

Treasurer’s Report
Accepted. Fisher distributed a cumulative and monthly plot. The Board thought it beneficial and would like to review it quarterly. The Board will review profit and not for profit articles at their February meeting.

Membership Sales & Notations
There were no membership applications to present.

2007 Board of Directors Objectives
The following objectives are not yet prioritized.
1. Creative value proposition for fine dining at the Club.
Food service and quality.
2. Raise member morale, civility.
3. Create a mission statement that all members and staff will adhere; and is supported and enforced by the entire Board of Directors.
Strategic plan to implement the Board agreed mission statement.
Develop metrics plan to measure the Clubs changes and improvements.
4. Resolution of issues in Machado’s letter.

GVCC Mission Statement
A Mission Statement will be created by a sub-committee of Williams, Curtola, Gerhardt, Angen and Tauber.

Board of Directors Orientation
Williams will give an orientation to the newly elected directors to familiarize them with the operations and activities of the Club. The newly elected directors will email their availability in January to Williams so that a date for the orientation can be scheduled.

2007 Fee & Charge Increases
Hakenen motioned to approve the increases as presented by the Finance Committee, Curtola seconded. After discussion, the motion and second were withdrawn. Hotaling requested to approve the increases by line item.
Gerhardt motioned to approve the KEY ad increases as presented. Hotaling seconded, the motion carried.
No other fees were increased.

Old & New Business
House Guest Request: A member letter requesting House Guest privileges from January 14, 2007 to May 19, 2007. They would like their house guest to dine at the Club and charge their account for food and beverages an amount not exceed $800.00 per month. Curtola motioned to approve, Angen seconded. The motion carried.
Correspondence: Member letters from Simpson and Curtin were read by the Board of Directors.

Committee Reports
Committee reports were given by the liaisons.

SID Construction Update
Additional costs have occurred on this project. Rock was encountered in parts of the trench work near the Rockville intersection that qualified for a rock clause in the contract. Also, several of the existing underground utility lines were miss marked by USA requiring that the trench for the 14” mainline be set deeper. The electrical service to the new pump station was re-engineered per PGE to require a ground mount transformer instead of an overhead service. This transformer requires a right-of-way that was not part of the contract. Some details are being worked out with SID to share some of the PGE costs. Final costs for all of the above overruns have not been confirmed. Fisher motioned to approve $83,000, in addition to the $107,000 previously approved in November 2006 to give a total of $190,000 authorized. Hakenen seconded, the motion carried.

Hotaling motioned to adjourn, Gerhardt seconded. The motion carried 9:15 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Trey Curtola, Secretary